Charity Tandem Skydive in aid of Mind in Bexley and East Kent

Mind in Bexley and East Kent makes a positive difference to the mental health of people in Bexley, Thanet and Canterbury districts. The charity provides a seven-night-a-week Crisis Cafe service in Bexley and Ramsgate for those in mental health distress; delivers talking therapy and recovery college services alongside goal-focused mentoring and coping with life workshops. Its innovative services include the Revival Food and Mood Cafe in Whitstable High Street and award-winning East Kent Barbershop Project which trains barbers to spot signs of anxiety and depression in customers and signpost them on to support. To find out more visit either of their websites at:

To book your charity skydive and raise money for Mind in Bexley and East Kent, go to our booking page or phone us on 01869 278706.

Registered charity: 1110130