Charity Skydive in aid of CHUMS Charity  

CHUMS is a Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service for children and young people in Bedfordshire. The charity offers various interventions which help to build resilience and give children and young people hope for the future.

CHUMS currently delivers nine services across Bedfordshire and Luton, although not all services are available in all regions. Supporting children and young people is at the heart of everything they do, and they are passionate about supporting as many children and young people as they can.  The charity recognises that one size does not fit all which is one of the reasons why they have developed their unique service model.
Their services wherever possible support the family as a whole as they know that sometimes everyone in the family needs a little help, not just the child who has been referred.
All their group workshops support parent/carers as well as their children.  Some of their current service delivery is also directly accessible to adults.

To book a charity skydive in aid of CHUMS Charity go to our Booking Page.